

father and son inspect a crop


  • Global warming is projected to significantly impact agriculture and, at the same time, future demographics will require double the amount of global food production by 2050, if not sooner.
  • Climate change adaptation strategies will play a critical role for the future of the agriculture sector. Options include the introduction of new species and hybrids that are more resistant to drought and heat, and the development of policies and practices to increase the flexibility of agricultural systems.
  • Within this context, the horticulture sector plays a critically important role in ensuring a sustainable and secure food supply in Canada.
  • Canadian producers will continue to adapt. In turn, government policy and programs will need to evolve to reflect the changing realities for the agriculture industry.

Action needed

Sustainability in Canada’s horticulture sector will rely, in large part, on government support.

The Canadian government must provide adequate funding for agricultural adaptation to climate change, such as funding for research and innovation, insurance programs, and financial management services.

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