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On December 21, 2016, the Canadian Horticultural Council (CHC) presented at a multi-stakeholder forum on neonicotinoids hosted by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC). Participants discussed concerns regarding the Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA)’s recent risk assessment of imidacloprid and explored potential risk mitigation options.

CHC presented an overview of neonicotinoid use in horticulture, highlighting the extensive use pattern of the three active ingredients (imidacloprid, clothianidin, and thiamethoxam) on fruit and vegetable crops. Other grower organizations, including the Canadian Landscape Nursery Association, Flowers Canada, the Canola Council of Canada, Soy Canada, and Grain Farmers of Ontario, also presented their perspectives. Bayer, the plant and animal health and crop science company, also presented an overview of its initial concerns.

Meeting participants agreed to continue to work together in three working groups: 1) Water Monitoring; 2) Risk Mitigation; and 3) Alternative Solutions. CHC will participate in each of these working groups, for which AAFC is developing draft terms of reference.

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In November, the PMRA released a proposed re-evaluation decision to discontinue all agricultural uses of imidacloprid in Canada, based on their assessment that imidacloprid posed an unacceptable risk to aquatic invertebrates. CHC is currently consulting with its membership on use practices that will inform PMRA’s final decision.

Concurrently, PMRA also announced the special reviews of clothianidin and thiamethoxam based on potential risk to aquatic invertebrates.

To become a member of CHC and participate in these types of consultations, please visit our Members area.