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Potato production in Canada

Potato Production in Canada

potatoes behind map of Canada

Potatoes are grown in every province in Canada. Production is distributed in Atlantic Canada (39.9%), Central Canada (22.2%) and Western Canada (37.9%) by area. 65% percent of Canadian-grown potatoes are used for processing (frozen French fries, potato chips, flakes and other dried products such as starch, etc.), 21% for fresh table consumption, and 14% for seed2.

Potatoes contribute to a healthy diet. A medium potato (148 g) provides  an excellent source of potassium (720 mg or 21% Daily Value), vitamin C (45% DV), fibre (16% DV) and iron (10% DV) while containing no fat or sodium.

Canadian Potato Statistics:

  • Harvest Area (acres): 141,157
  • Number of Potato Farms in Canada: 1,005
  • Production (tonnes): 4,770,552
  • Total Farm Value: $ 1,038,711
  • Average Canadian Potato Yield  (tonnes per harvested hectares): 34.39
  • Top Potato Producing Provinces (by hectares): PEI: 36,219, MB: 27,235, AB: 21,500
  • Seed Production (hectares): 141,157
  •  Value of Canadian Exports ($ million): fresh: $165,447,745, seed: $36,237,976, frozen: $1,055,928,608, other processed: $105,854,197 
  • Top 3 Exports Countries of Fresh Potatoes: U.S.A: $148,585,436, Indonesia: $6,234,329 , Thailand: $4,167,538


  • Green indicates an increase from the previous reporting period.
  • Red indicates a decrease from the previous reporting period.

All data from Potato Market Information Review, 2014-2015

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