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The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) is proposing to streamline and update its cost recovery program. Currently, hundreds of sector-specific CFIA fees are in place, which creates complexity and inconsistencies in how fees are calculated. In addition, most of the CFIA’s fees have not changed since the organization was created almost 20 years ago, but the cost of delivering services has increased with inflation and other factors.

To advance the cost recovery initiative, the CFIA is undertaking a two-phased consultation.

Phase one: From January 26 to March 31, 2017, the CFIA is seeking your input on:

  • a proposed list of services that allows fees to be charged consistently for similar CFIA services
  • proposed service standards for CFIA services
  • the appropriate level of cost sharing between regulated parties and taxpayers
  • impacts of potential fee increases on businesses

Phase two: The CFIA will provide stakeholders with a summary of feedback received during phase one consultations and specific fee proposals for each service.

To participate in the consultation, see the CFIA’s cost recovery consultation page.

The Canadian Horticultural Council (CHC) requests that all growers and member associations copy admin@hortcouncil.ca on their responses to CFIA, so that we may submit a consolidated industry response on behalf of all Canadian fruit and vegetable sectors.