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This Tuesday, February 25, marked the latest annual Farm to Plate event hosted by both the Canadian Horticultural Council (CHC) and the Canadian Produce Marketing Association (CPMA).

Together, CPMA and CHC were on the hill to represent the produce sector from the farm gate to the dinner plate, at a critical time for the industry.

“Our annual Farm to Plate event was a major engagement between industry members and parliamentarians, essential for government officials to remain informed on the issues that matter most to our sector,” said Oleen Smethurst, CPMA Chair. “The fresh fruit and vegetable industry is a significant economic driver in Canada, while also being critical to the health of Canadians, and we value the opportunity to work collaboratively with government to progress our sector.”

On Tuesday, we addressed key issues including the need for financial protection for farmers and produce sellers, crop protection measures based on sound science, and support of the agricultural sector’s sustainability initiatives such as climate adaptation practices, mitigation of plastic use and food loss and waste challenges

“Farmers have no financial protection from losses resulting from insolvent buyers, which is critical, because fresh produce is highly perishable and spoils more quickly than other food commodities. That’s why we need complimentary legislation to ensure fruit and vegetable sellers are protected when their product is delivered but not paid for,” said Brian Gilroy, President of CHC. “When it comes to sustainability, we know that Canadians want to see our industry tackling problematic plastics and reducing food waste. And while they want appropriate regulation, we also know that Canadians can appreciate the important role crop protection plays in the fresh produce industry to ensure healthy crops, which supports food safety for Canadians and Canada’s overall food security.”

During the event on Parliament Hill, CHC and CPMA met with over 40 government officials to tackle these complicated issues in support of our sector.

A very special thank you to all our members and partners who were there to help us promote Canadian horticulture!