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In January, Canada, along with ten other remaining members of the Trans-Pacific Partnership concluded discussions on a new Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP). Next steps include signing and ratifying the trade deal, which is estimated could take approximately 12-18 months.

The new CPTPP deal is “great news for Canadian farmers and processors,” Agriculture Minister Lawrence MacAulay said in a statement.

CHC had recommended the Government of Canada conclude the agreement as soon as possible, given the increasingly global agri-food market. However, for Canadian fruit and vegetable growers, there are non-tariff trade barriers that need to be addressed in order to reach new markets, including phytosanitary issues and maximum residue limits. CHC will continue to advocate for science-based alignment and market access with our trading partners to grow Canada’s produce exports.

Please note, while there has been speculation, at this point, we do not anticipate that the conclusion of CPTPP will negatively impact the continued re-negotiations of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). As CHC continues to follow the NAFTA re-negotiations, we will keep members updated.