Potato Working Group
Potatoes are Canada’s largest horticultural crop in terms of acreage, yield and farm cash receipts. It is in part for this reason that The Fruit and Vegetable Growers of Canada (FVGC)’s Potato Working Group is a very active and robust group. The Working Group consists of numerous groups including the Seed Potato Sub-Committee, the Potato Breeding Working Group, the Promotion and Marketing Working Group, the Quality Assurance Working Group, the Plant Pest Response Working Group, and the Potato Task Force.
As with other FVGC Working Groups, the Potato and Seed Potato Sub-Committees are comprised of members who are growers and/or represent grower associations from the five producing regions (British Columbia, Alberta, Ontario, Québec, and Atlantic). Together, they decide on and work with FVGC staff and Government of Canada ministries on issues that affect potato production for that year.
The Potato Working Group meets once a year in March at the Annual General Meeting to cover a wide range of business including regulatory and trade issues, plant health issues, crop protection tools, safety nets, research, food safety and other concerns of mutual interest. The Chair and Members of the Canadian Potato Council are appointed at this time.
Chair: Bill Zylmans
Vice-Chair: Michelle Fris
To contact the Chair, call the National Office at: (613) 226-4880 or send an email.