Labour Committee

Labour Committee

The Labour Committee works on behalf of the FVGC to monitor labour issues for the Canadian horticulture industry. The shortage of farm labour, especially in peak season, is one of the most pressing issues facing agricultural producers in Canada.

The Committee meets as a whole at the Annual Meeting in March. At other times of the year, the Chair or other appointees represent CHC members in national and provincial meetings related to employment issues in agriculture.


  • Chair: Beth Connery
  • Co Vice-Chair: Fernando Borja
  • Co Vice-Chair: Ken Forth
  • Co Vice-Chair: Pinder Dhaliwal


The Chair of the Labour Committee is appointed yearly at the Annual General Meeting in March. To contact the Chair, call the National Office at: (613) 226-4880 or send an email.

Learn more about labour issues in horticulture.

About Beth Connery

Beth ConneryBeth Connery operates Connery Riverdale Farms in Portage La Prairie with her children, Sam and Chris. The farm covers about 1,000 acres, 650 of which produce asparagus, strawberries, broccoli, carrots and cooking onions, while the rest is in wheat as a rotation crop. The farm also includes a U-Pick and Pre-Picked Strawberry operation.

In addition to Chairing FVGC’s Labour Committee, Beth also sits on the Board of Directors at the Canadian Agricultural Human Resources Council (CAHRC) and is Chair of Peak of the Market.