Joint Statement by Farming and Processing Associations

Arbitrary Fees Imposed by Large Grocery Retailers Will Cost Canadian Consumers and Impact Canada’s Food Security (Ottawa) August 6th, 2020 – The latest round of fees introduced by large grocery retailers on their suppliers has attracted coverage in the news...
Centre d’information COVID-19

Centre d’information COVID-19

Le CCH et ses partenaires de l’industrie travaillent sur les prochaines étapes avec les ministères respectifs, à savoir Agriculture et Agroalimentaire, Emploi et Développement social, et Immigration, afin de s’assurer que non seulement la santé publique,...
Centre d’information COVID-19

COVID-19 information centre

Along with our industry partners we continue to work on next steps with the respective government departments, namely Agriculture and Agri-Food, Employment and Social Development, and Immigration to ensure that not only public health, but food security, food supply...