On Wednesday, May 9, CHC and Hyperactive initiated production on the international farm worker awareness campaign by filming at SunTech Greenhouses, near Ottawa.

Owners Bob Mitchell, and his wife, Carmen, were very accommodating and generous with their time. They introduced us to their international farm workers and explained how important they are to the year-round operations at SunTech. Like their workers, Carmen is also from Mexico. Because of this special connection and the trust they have in one another, the workers warmly refer to Carmen as “tia”, which means “aunt” in Spanish. The family ties go even further, as Bob and Carmen recently visited the families of workers in Mexico, and Carmen often video chats with the families of workers and joins in on birthdays and other special celebrations.

CHC is tremendously grateful to Bob and Carmen of SunTech for introducing us to their workers. Thank you!

Lady in ChairMan being interviewedMan workingMan working